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The Sacrament of Baptism

The waters of new life, the light of Christ, and the prayers of our common Faith Community are offered to you at this exciting time. All children are welcomed with open arms and all parents will find a community of Christ’s presence and support. No matter if you come to us as a large family, as a single parent, foster, or adopted family, you and your child will find a home at Holy Name Cathedral.

We are very excited to plan your child’s baptism with you. Here are the steps to sign up for Baptisms dates and, if needed, Baptism Preparation Classes.

1.) For registered parishioners

  • We generally have baptisms on the second and fourth Sundays of the month.
  • We offer the baptism sacrament for up to 4 babies/children at the same time
  • Baptisms are scheduled for 45 minutes slots for each group of 4 starting at 2:00pm, 3:00pm, and 4:00pm
  • Donation: It is appropriate to make a donation to Holy Name Cathedral at the time of the Baptism or when you register for your Baptism. There is no set amount.
  • Parking: We now offer two hours of free parking with validation in our new parking garage located at 14 W. Superior Street, between Dearborn and State Street. Read a more detailed description of the use of the garage by clicking here.
  • If this is your first child, we require that you take a Preparation Class prior to the Baptism. Classes can be taken before or after the birth of your child. The course is strongly recommended for any godparent who has not previously taken it.
  • You may register here for both Baptisms and Baptism Preparation classes.
  • Please contact Martha Welter at with any questions.

2.) If you are not a registered parishioner, please email Martha Welter at

If you have any questions, please email Martha Welter, Sacrament and Records Coordinator, at  You can also call her at (312) 573-4409.

If this is your first child, we require that you take a Preparation Class prior to the Baptism. Classes can be taken before or after the birth of your child. The course is strongly recommended for any godparent who has not previously taken it.

  • You MUST register in advance in order to attend a Baptism Preparation class.
  • Please click here to register for the Baptism Prep class. You may contact Martha Welter at with any questions.
  • *Cost: If you are a parent or a sponsor of a child being baptized at a church other than Holy Name and wish to attend the class, there is a $25 fee. The fee must be paid along with your registration.

A godparent must have received the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. A godparent must be living an exemplary life consistent with faith and morals as taught by the Roman Catholic Church. A godparent must be actively practicing the faith. A non-Catholic, baptized Christian may be chosen as a Christian Witness, as long as one godparent is Catholic.