Holy Name Cathedral has been a Faith Community gathered around the Table of the Lord since 1849. In fact, the first two organizations began 175 years ago: the St. Vincent DePaul Society and the Sacred Heart League. We continue to gather at the Table of the Lord and are nourished by the Eucharist. Once fed, we open our hearts to others as we go forth as disciples of Jesus Christ to love this world back to life.
God’s gifts call each of us to be committed in body, mind, and spirit to the heart of Jesus Christ. In the words of St. Ignatius: “Take Lord, receive…you have given all to me, and now I return it.”
In this Stewardship Annual Report, you will see the Gospel-centered mission and ministries funded through your generosity, as we have done for generations before us. You will also see the fiscal challenges we face now and that lie ahead.
In my ninth year as your Rector, I have a humble and grateful heart. I thank God each day for your prayers and continued financial support. I am confident that your gifts of time, talent, and treasure will allow us to continue flourishing as the Holy Name Cathedral Faith Community.
I am also grateful to our parish leadership—members of the Finance Council, Parish Pastoral Council, Strategic Planning Oversight Council, and the 175th Planning Committee—and our very talented, dedicated, and hard-working priests, deacons, staff, and sisters who, under the leadership of our Executive Director, Deacon Dennis Robak, serve this community faithfully each day as others have over these past 175 years.
We have much to celebrate and much more to accomplish as we make the Gospel alive and active. We join our hearts with those dedicated faithful who have gone before us marked with the sign of faith. May the Sacred Heart inspire and embrace all we do in His Holy Name.
As you read this Stewardship Annual Report, remember that You are the Church, and Together, We are the Body of Christ. God’s blessings to all!

Our Holy Name Cathedral Faith Community celebrates a major milestone this year. Nov. 18, 2024, marked the 175th anniversary of the founding of Holy Name Parish. We have planned a year-long celebration with something for everyone. Visit our 175th page for the next event!