Legacy Planned Gifts

Consider Designating Your Gift Through a Will or Trust

A gift in your will or trust – or any other planned gift – allows you to make a significant legacy declaration to support the mission and ministries of Holy Name Cathedral while providing for your own financial security during your lifetime. Through your commitment to Holy Name Cathedral you are making a faith statement important to you, to your family and to your faith Community as you leave a lasting legacy.

I give to Holy Name Cathedral located at 730 north Wabash Ave, Chicago, IL 60611 $                            in support of its full mission. Restricted to the needs of Holy Name Cathedral.

Legal Name: Catholic Bishop of Chicago
Federal Tax ID number: 36-2171697

If you have questions or would like someone from Holy Name Cathedral to speak with your estate planner, please contact Regina Zielinski – Director of Stewardship or call 312.573.4432.