Liturgy Council
The Liturgy Council of Holy Name Cathedral plans, coordinates and evaluates all of the liturgies and worship ministries of the Cathedral with the Director of Worship. Promoting and enabling the full, conscious, and active participation of the faithful is our goal, rooted in our liturgical vision to “open wide the doors to Christ.” As a council, but more important as disciples of Christ, we seek to see how our ministers and our liturgies open wide the doors of faith to all those who enter through our doors for an encounter with our Risen Lord.
Father Andy Matijevic, Director of Worship
David Jonies, Director of Music & Organist
Donna Ciszewski, Coordinator, Art and Environment
Ron Birch and Darren Milanowicz, Assistant Coordinators, Art and Environment
Robin Brown, Coordinator, Ministers of Hospitality
Rich Costa, Coordinator, Ushers
Janice Klich, Coordinator, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Stephanie McIntyre, Coordinator, Altar Servers and Devotions
Barbara Ramberg, Coordinator, Lectors