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Liturgical Ministries

cupich cathedralOur liturgies utilize the gifts and talents that God has given our family of faith to the fullest extent. Whether participation is through “behind the scenes” preparation and planning or through a ministerial role of service within the Mass, parishioner generosity helps our liturgies to be truly life-giving and moving celebrations of faith. If you feel called to ministry, reach out to us and we can see which ministry is best for you.

To learn more about our liturgical ministries at Holy Name Cathedral, contact Father Andy Matijevic, Director of Worship at


Altar Servers

Holy Name Cathedral Altar Servers serve at the pleasure of the Cardinal of the Archdiocese of Chicago through assistance in the celebration of the Liturgy. Altar Servers can be men and women who have received the Roman Catholic Sacraments of Baptism, Communion, and Confirmation and may also be called to serve at various Archdiocesan events. Prospective Altar Servers will be interviewed and thoroughly trained in the various Altar Server positions.


For more information, contact Father Andy Matijevic, Director of Worship at

Art & Environment (A&E)

The Art and Environment Ministry of Holy Name Cathedral enriches our worship space to reflect the liturgical season. A core group of dedicated volunteers decorates the church to instill a fuller participation in the Liturgy by the congregation, using elements such as flowers, plants, fabric, and candles that inspire a greater encounter and experience with Christ.

Volunteers are also needed regularly to water and maintain plants and to assist the team in executing its plans for some of the major liturgical feasts and celebrations. If you are dedicated, hard-working, and have passion and creativity for any of these areas, we welcome you to join us.

For more information, contact Father Andy Matijevic, Director of Worship at

Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the priest and deacon in distributing the Body and Blood of Christ to those gathered for worship. As an EMHC, you play an essential role in helping Holy Name Cathedral open wide doors to Christ for those who come forth to receive the Lord in the Eucharist.

To become an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, you need to be a registered parishioner and a practicing Catholic in good standing, having received the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation), be at least 14 years or older, have a deep love for the Eucharist, a desire to help others encounter Christ through you in this ministry, and adequately discern that you are being called to serve in this particular liturgical ministry.

For more information, contact Father Andy Matijevic, Director of Worship at


The Lector proclaims the Word of God to those gathered for Mass and does in a  way that engages communal listening. A candidate for lector should have skill in speaking, knowledge of the various parts and movements of the Mass, and an understanding and love for Sacred Scripture. Lectors must be willing to properly prepare for each assignment both spiritually and practically. A lector also serves as the commentator at Mass and offers the Prayers of the Faithful in the absence of a deacon.

To become a lector, you need to be a registered parishioner and a practicing Catholic in good standing, having received the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation), be at least 14 years or older, and adequately discern

 that you are being called to serve in this particular liturgical ministry.

Training and evaluation occur during three required sessions, held twice a year.


For more information, contact Father Andy Matijevic, Director of Worship at


An Usher at Holy Name Cathedral is called to be one of the first points of welcoming our parishioners and many visitors to this special place of worship. Whether it is seating or assisting our brothers and sisters in faith, the Usher always does it with a tremendous sense of hospitality. Certainly, a part of being an Usher is the taking up of the regular Sunday collection and the occasional special second collection, but more than that Ushers provide the service of making our visitors and parishioners feel at home and welcome during our Eucharistic celebrations. It is our hope that people encounter Christ in our Ushers but also that Ushers experience the presence of Christ in the people they welcome through our Cathedral doors.

To become an Usher, you need to be a registered parishioner and a practicing Catholic in good standing, having received the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation), be at least 14 years or older, have the desire to be of service to all people, and adequately discern that you are being called to serve in this particular liturgical ministry.

For more information, contact Father Andy Matijevic, Director of Worship at