Upcoming Events
Join Us for the Annual Pueri Cantores Mass!
Saturday, Feb. 22 at 5:15pm Mass in the Cathedral
Youth choirs have long been integral to the Church’s mission. One of the most celebrated of these groups, Les Petits Chanteurs la Croix de Bois (The Little Singers of the Wooden Cross), was brought to prominence in 1917 by Fernand Maillet, and performed in the cities, towns and villages of France. Their example has since been followed by other choirs in Europe, North and South America, Africa and Asia. Msgr. Maillet organized the first International Congress for the choirs in 1947. It took place in Paris, and at that time, he gave the federation its name, PUERI CANTORES.
The American Federation Pueri Cantores was formed in 1953 to accomplish the same mission in the United States. Choirs proliferated in Catholic churches and schools across the country and took a significant and inspirational leadership role in worship and education-related events. Reflecting general lack of support of the arts, however and reacting to worship guidelines set forth in Vatican II, nearly all of those groups disappeared during the late 1900s.
Now, many communities are once again committed to establishing and developing new choirs of young singers throughout America. Sharing an exciting and expanded vision, these choirs create unprecedented opportunities for children, families, schools, churches and organizations locally, nationally and throughout the world.
Students who travel with their choirs have a chance to meet singers from other cities and states. They establish friendships, learn about different cultures, and bring Christ’s message of peace and joy. Choir directors exchange musical ideas, traditions and performance practice information with other musicians throughout the nation and world. Pueri Cantores singers learn music of faith, hope and love; they grow in musicianship, spirituality, liturgical understanding and community.
This year’s mass will feature Fr. Dan Korenchan as the main celebrant with Anna Doering as the Guest Conductor. The choir will include Mixed Voice and Treble Choirs (grades 4-12) from throughout the Midwest.