Shortcode Information
Layout Shortcodes
This shortcodes allows you to create sections inside your pages.
01. Full width shortcode allows you to create a full width content section.
Title full width - h1
Your content here...
02. Section 2/3 and right sidebar shortcode allows you to create a 2/3 width content section with a 1/3 right sidebar.
Title 2/3 section - h2
Your content here...
Title 1/3 section - h2
Your content here...
03. Section 2/3 and left sidebar shortcode allows you to create a 2/3 width content section with a 1/3 left sidebar.
Title 1/3 section - h2
Your content here...
Title 2/3 section - h2
Your content here...
04. Section 1/2 shortcode allows you to create a 1/2 width content section.
Title 1/2 section - h2
Your content here...
Title 1/2 section - h2
Your content here...
05. Section 1/3 shortcode allows you to create a 1/3 width content section.
Title 1/3 section - h3
Your content here...
Title 1/3 section - h3
Your content here...
Title 1/3 section - h3
Your content here...
06. Section 1/4 shortcode allows you to create a 1/4 width content section.
Title 1/4 section - h4
Your content here...
Title 1/4 section - h4
Your content here...
Title 1/4 section - h4
Your content here...
Title 1/4 section - h4
Your content here...
Design elements Shortcodes – the orange icons from WordPress Editor
This shortcodes allows you to create design elements inside your pages, like buttons, toggles, tabs…etc
01. Button shortcode allows you to create some nice buttons. Available colors are: black, darkred, brown, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, gray
02. Toggle shortcode allows you to create toggle content.
Toogle text content
03. Tabs shortcode allows you to create 3 tabs content.
Tab1 text content
Tab2 text content
Tab3 text content
04. Quote shortcode allows you to create a quote.
Quote title - h2
Your content here...
05. Video shortcode allows you to add a video and make it responsive. It only supports videos from youtube, vimeo and players that supports responsive mode. Use videos urls in this format “”.
06. Lightbox shortcode allows you to add a thumb image and a popup big image. We recommend use this images inside one layout shortcode. For example create a 1/3 layout section and in each one add a lightbox image.
07. Google map shortcode allows you to add a google map and make it responsive. DO NOT ADD THE MAP IFRAME in the shortcode, just the src code. You will find this src code inside the IFRAME code, starting with src=”….here…”
08. Social icons shortcode allows you to add a social icons area. Available icons are: delicious,digg,dribbble,email,facebook,flickr,goolge,gplus,picasa,pinterest,reddit,rss,skype,stumbleupon,twitter,vimeo,youtube
09. Adding Email URL allows you to add an email address code on the website. When you get ready to add the email address. A) copy the code below B) Remove the brackets before and after the “ARROWS” “<” “>”
(<)a href=""(>)<)/a(>)